UTH foundation

UTH Foundation

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UTH Point

Donation Currency Management System

1UTH = 1 YEN

Since, We Establish our Foundation for Non-Profit Volunteer Action, there are several inqueries and issues occured by international money transactions and account keeping. Our actions and budgets are clearly controled and published toward the members and viewers. The current ammount of our account has been showned as UR:TH Point.

1URTH Point stands for 1YEN in the account of the foundation. We accept any types of money currencies,bills ,coins and any types of proper valuables for donations, which are officialy activatied as projects. Also some contributions from partner-ship program has been saved in this account.

-Global Money-

Under our Guideline and Operational Policy of Non- Profilt Activities and For its Expense, We are willing to accept Any Types of Currencies, Bills and Coins from all over the World, as a Contribution and a Donation. As an Experience, we recieved Money Contribution with Japanese Yen, EURO, USA Dolloar, Cent, Tanzania Shilling, Kenia Shilling and Many Others. Anually or Timely, those Money Contribution are Exchanged into Japanese Yen at the Best Rate of the Currecy at that time. Then, All those are being Saved in certain Bank Account of NGO Group UR:TH.

We, UR:TH call it UTH Currecy Managent System. Hence, For External Publishment, We UR:TH Show the Ammount of our Account with a Medium ,UTH Point. UTH Point Helps us to Understand the Ammount of our Current Foundation, Timely and Correctly. All Donars from All over the World, could Recogize How They can Contribute for the Foundation with Foreign Currecy at a Moment. Rules are very Simple. 1UTH = 1YEN. With Any Types of Charity Projects, we Use this Common Currecy Point Management System ,UTH. If there are any Opitions and Inqueris, We are looking farward to Hear from You.

Best Regad. - from Global NGO: UR:TH.

1) East Africa ICT Develpment Support According to the Research Facts, Growth of Global Information Gap, We UR:TH decided to Support Compherensive East Afirca ICT Development. We assume that the Spread of ICT Technology in Civilcs in Target Area, could Support the Development of Community, Education and Culture. Also We are hoping that we could hear from them (Suponserd Studedents) trough Web Communty Continuously and Eloquently.

2) Container Charity Fund To Send Used Computers and Electorical Equipments towardas Government Institutions and Potential Area, We UR:TH Establish a Foundation, which is Now named "UTH." The First Shipping Cost took 80 -300 USD in each Transportation. Finally, through the 1st Project to the 3rd Project, we have spent apx 3,000 USD, iincluding all Expense and Transportation Fee. This Fund will Cover such Costs.

3) Tokyo Tour.org To Start Real Global Communication, We UR:TH Strongly Suggest our Fellows to Go around the World and Have more International Experiece. But, How those People in Developing Countries Could Go there with Bills of High Currencies like Yen, Euro, Dollar, Pond? Here is a Soluion. We Decide to Support Invitations for such Potential Civilized People to Japan for Introducing and Learning our Civilization.

4) Digital Design and ICT Biz School in Afrca. As a Goal, we are Hoping to Built a Digital Media & Disign Schools, and ICT Business School in East African Countries. Rasing Practical Technical Skills and Entering Global Industrial Martkets shall Give the People in Developing Countries More Oppotunities and Wills to Join Global Community, such as our Organization, UR:TH. The World is getting More Interactive by Internet.

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